Fresh news from SatAgro

Blog SatAgro

3 November 2023

Agriculture 4.0 – the five pillars

We have reached the moment when the state administration is subsidizing individual farms in implementing the type of agriculture to which we have devoted the last decade of our lives. “Supporting Farmers’ Investments in Agriculture 4.0” is the new measure, managed by the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMA), supported from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility. It is a unique opportunity to raise the technological level of the farm, and consequently increase its profitability. On this occasion, we decided to share our vision on the fundamentals of Agriculture 4.0, which reflects our years of experience in supporting…

4 July 2023

End of the GERHARA Project – Innovation for sustainable water management in Mozambique

GERHARA project - innovation for water management

Mozambique is considered one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Extreme events such as floods and prolonged droughts threaten the food security and economic stability of the population, especially in rural areas. The main objective of the GERHARA project is to develop innovative strategies focused on improving water management by the Administrações Regionais de Águas de Moçambique (ARAs) and thereby enhancing resilience to climate change in Mozambique. A particular emphasis has been placed on the agricultural sector, where multiple initiatives have been undertaken to address challenges related to water access and water resources management in the country. The…

28 March 2023

SatAgro fertilisation plans are compatible with the principles of the eco-scheme as well as precision agriculture

From now on, the optimisation of fertiliser use enters another level of rationality. Firstly, precision treatments are tied in with a fertilisation plan. Second, fertilisation plans take into account variability in yield, soil nutrient abundance and past treatments. Third, when planning an individual treatment, you get an instant feedback on the extent into which it fulfils the plan. Fourth, the plan is compatible with the new CAP’s eco-scheme, so not only do you implement variable rate application, but also your costs are also more than covered.  It must be said that when it comes to nutrient management, we have taken…

25 January 2023

Crop rotation as a basic technique in agriculture

Correct crop rotation is one of the most important basic techniques in agriculture. It involves planning the cultivation of different types of plants on the same plot of land over several years. Mostly, the main aim of the practice is to enrich soil biodiversity and increase crop yields in a suitable rotation.

28 September 2022

Crop scouting with SatAgro Explorer – five useful tips

Crop scouting is the basis for the multitude of decisions which take into account variability in crop development across both space and time. In our case the Holy Grail are of course timely and user-friendly precision treatments, but in practice a large proportion of our users use crop scouting for other purposes, frequently surprising us with their ingenuity. SatAgro Explorer was historically the first module of the SatAgro platform, which reflects our long-term believe that access to fresh and actionable satellite intelligence is the cornerstone of digital precision agriculture. Since 2015 the module has evolved a lot and this piece…